TBAH E-Mentoring

Think back to when you were in high school and ask yourself:  Knowing all that I know now, what guidance about college and careers do I wish I had gotten as a high school student?

EMentoring is a chance to give that guidance to a high school student who, below the surface, is just as nervous and scared as you were.

In fact, by giving just 30 minutes twice a week from your desk or home computer, an online career eMentor can provide the guidance and reinforcement necessary to positively impact a student for a lifetime.

The Program uses working and retired adults and mature college students serving as online career mentors, as well as a structured online curriculum to help give young teens and young adults the knowledge and skills they need to "get real" about their futures - "real" about the demands and opportunities within the job market, and "real" about a plan that leads to their eventual success.

The ultimate goal of eMentoring is to help kids achieve success throughout school and after high school by providing them with a detailed, realistic post secondary plan that is created with and supported by a career mentor.